Tuesday, 7 December 2010

All of their own making

The LibDem's are in chaos, and all of their own making. No matter what Clegg, Cable and the others may say in a futile attempt to justify their positions on this issue, the fact remains that they are perceived as people more interested in office and it's trappings, people who have no honour and no conscience. All 57 of them signed a pledge. The argument that adherence to that pledge can be discarded, since the pledge was made for a scenario where they would be in power, is a cynical proclamation from shameless hypocrites. They are in power. They hold 23 ministries. They appear in the media introducing new Government policies. They sit on the right-hand side of the Speakers Chair on the Government benches. That is being in power, no matter what they may argue to the contrary. The vote on Thursday next could be the last chance that any of them may have to redeem themselves from the stigma of being puppets interested only in the position of power, and the limelight of temporary fame.
For the sake of this country, may they take the opportunity to restore a shred of credibility.


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