Monday, 22 November 2010

Financial Crisis Another victim

After days of intense pressure from the EU, the Irish government caves in and agrees to beg for a loan that they (say) they did not want. The EU wrings its hands, arranges another crisis meeting and agrees to grant the Irish request. A complete farce designed it seems to satisfy "the markets" and frighten the "speculators", who will now move to the next target economy and start the whole processes off again.The winners in this act of economic terrorism are again (of course) the Banks and Financial Institutions who created this crisis in the first place, the speculators (who are the same organisations) the "markets" who know how to make a quick profit anywhere, and the EU Governments who support these institutions and try to convince the people who elected them that they are acting in the best interests of their respective countries.
The loosers in this cosy arrangement are (again) the tax payers in each of the contributing countries who will have to find additional Billions of £,s or Euro's to finance the bailout. This is in addition to the Billions already earmarked in additional tax and duties, higher VAT etc and the Billions arising from Government cuts in expenditure.
The EU Governments would do well to contemplate that the "bottomless pit" of tax payers money is not, in fact, bottomless and that public opinion will sooner rather than later, turn against policies which are recognised as devicive, unfair and not for the good of working people and their families or in the interest of wider society generally.

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