Friday, 16 July 2010

Lies, Damn lies and Statistics

Crime down. Un employment down.
Just two of the recent headline grabbing stories churned out in the press and media in an attempt by this version of Whitehall/Downing Street, to convince the great British public that all is getting better. What is really mind blowing is that some people actually believe this to be true!
Why are there so many un employed on Incapacity Benefit? Simply, it is because that during the eighties and nineties, it was the only way to move the figures from the un employed list. Then, due to the fact that the way the unemployed figure was established was to count only those who were claiming un employment benefit, it could be “proved” that un employment had fallen! This, coupled with the deceitful practice of removing from the unemployed list, all those people who had been claiming unemployment (job seekers allowance) benefit for more than twelve months, and hey presto, the number of unemployed had fallen overnight!
This, of course, is yet another example of Government lies for the sake of expediency. Taking names off one list and moving them to another list with a different name does not solve the problem. It merely moves people from one box to another and conveniently conceals an embarrassing Government problem.
The same is the case with the Crime figures. The dubious system of reclassifying some crimes to a list which is not counted, and the fact that a vast number of people do not even bother to report criminal incidents due to the fact that they know little if anything will be done. What is the actual figure for “Un reported Crimes”?
There are lies, damn lies and statistics. Have people been so numbed down in this country that they are prepared to accept any “official figures” that the Government produce?
Wake up Britain. As long as these Government “facts” remain unchallenged, so the politicians will sit back, draw their expenses and think we will believe anything that they tell us.

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