Friday, 5 February 2010

Have they “Got away with it ?” (or Should we vote for the Independent ?)

The next United Kingdom general election is due to take place on or before Thursday 3 June 2010, barring exceptional circumstances.

Before the election takes place, the British people will be, and have already been to a certain extent, bombarded with the usual hysterical party propaganda screaming how hypocritical and untrustworthy the other parties are, and to a lesser extent, what they would do to make all the countries ill’s better and why we should therefore vote for them. The broad hint of May 6th for the election date, should focus our minds on the issues which we will be urged to consider when casting our votes.
Education, Health Service, Law and Order, Inflation and public expenditure will be thrust upon us as the only topics which really matter and therefore should be given our un divided attention.
Televised debates between the party leaders will be filling our screens and no doubt the press and television news will repeat every sound bite and spin from most of the constituencies.
However, before we all (well, perhaps only half or even less of those entitled to vote) rush off to that anonymous little booth to place our cross in the appropriate box, please, please, please, think about what has happened in the House of Commons over the last number of years.
I am not referring to Iraq, or the Banking crisis, or recession, or the credit crunch, or stealth taxes, or terrorism measures, or numerous enquiries into numerous matters and all the other mind numbing activities of “the House”.
I am referring to the way in which most of the current crop of MP’s have become detached from the reality of the world where the remainder of us live and have become obsessed with their own position and their own financial well being.
Specifically, how did your existing “Honourable Member” (of Parliament), vote in the debate keeping details of members expenses secret? Did they support the proposition put to the vote in the Commons that the Freedom of Information Act should not apply to Parliament, its workings or its members ? Was your “Honourable Member” involved in the subsequent scandal of electrical goods, televisions, blue movies, second home allowances, moats, duck houses etc etc etc ? How many times did your MP “Flip” the designation of their second home or claim mortgage repayments for a mortgage which did not exist ?
The fact is, that all Members of Parliament regardless of political allegiance have been tainted by the actions of those involved in these outrageous activities. Guilt by association.
In addition, the guilty ones have attempted to keep this scandal secret. It is only with the investigative journalism of the Telegraph, that the matter has been exposed. This is surely a case where the media have provided a great public service.
But, as usual, probably nothing will come of the exposure. A number of MP’s will refund excessive claims. Many will not. Some MP’s will stand down at the next election. Most will not. Some MP’s will have their cases referred to the Crown Prosecution Service where a decision will be made by the DPP as to whether a prosecution will be initiated (or perhaps a prosecution will “not be in the public interest“).
Apart from that little blip, it will be “business as usual”. The Tories will form a Government, or perhaps it will be “New Labour” or perhaps even the Liberal Democrats will hold a balance between the two major parties. Whatever the case it will be the same old faces, many thinking to themselves “Well, we got away with that one then!”
Sadly, many people think that there is little if anything, that can be done to redress this situation and that nothing will ever change.
Well, perhaps there is !
When election day comes, the British people have the opportunity to demonstrate their opinions and pass judgement on this rag bag of political opportunists currently riding the “Gravy Train” at Westminster. Some good MP’s will be caught in the net, but it is perhaps the price which has to be paid.

We can, together show our anger at their arrogance and cast our votes accordingly.


Where there is no Independent in your constituency,


Pass the content of this post on to all your contacts.
Post this message on all your blogs, message boards, web sites, network sites and anywhere else for others to see.
There is something positive that you can do to show how you feel about this subject and make your vote count.

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